Wow Pics at a Prom Secret!

Big Drift (in Wilson's Promontory National Park) is a huge area of sand dunes sculptured by the wind and rain and offering dazzling views. Big Drift is surrounded by colonizing plant species, which are then enclosed by forest. On the walk there especially watch for owls, you could see black swamp wallabies, wombats,egg laying echidna, and if you are very quiet hog deer. What you are unlikely to see is another human!

From our cabins, Dig Drift is a 3 minute drive, then a 2 km bush walk.

Follow this link to see impressive pics of this less visited part of Wilson's Prom, photographs are by one of our guest Dean Raphael.

Thank you very much Dean for permission to share your photos on your wedding and lifestyle photography site. Our guests who are planning their wedding will find the site interesting.

The Big Drift | Wilson's Prom